Tuesday 12 July 2016

Lego candy dispenser

For today's challenge I had to build a Lego candy dispenser.  This is what the machine looks like.

 Step 1: Put a sweet in the top

Step 2: Pull the lever...

Step 3:... and the sweet comes out of the bottom!

I chose to use a skittle sweet in this model and it was just the right size!  It took me about 18-30 minutes to make, I thought it was fun to make.  I think the difficulty of this model was 6/10. 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Lego Owl

My aunt Sarah set me a challenge to build a different Lego model every day for 21 days so today she asked me to build a Lego Owl so here it is.

It took me about half a hour to build and it has got a moving head, claws, and flapping wings.  It was a fun project and I like owls.

Tuesday 2 June 2015

Lego Dog

I built a lego dog that moves its ears, tail, legs and its mouth.

It took about 34 minutes to make it and my favourite part is the eyes and the ears I like the ears because they move all around.  Its based on our pet, Eddie he’s a dog, a king Charles cavalier.  Eddie has very long ears.  I called my Lego Eddie Eddie number 2[not a poo!].

It was quite hard to build it because the real Eddie wouldn’t keep still!

The real Eddie doesn’t look like my Lego one, but I did my best.     

Saturday 30 May 2015

Lego Dragonfly

I built a lego dragonfly that moves its wings, legs and its mouth and I built it because I like dragonflies, I like the Emperor dragonfly best because they can go up to speeds of 18mph and that’s fast for an insect!

This blog I have tried to make a video of this model.

It took about 20-30 minutes to make it and it took 73 Lego bricks to make it

I like eyes on the head and wings on it best of all.

I know some facts about dragonflies the emperor dragonfly body grows up to 70-85mm and their wingspan grows up to 100-110mm long longer than the body
They live near ponds, canals and lakes.                                                                                                                                                                          

Monday 25 May 2015

Lego Rabbit

I built a lego bunny/rabbit that moves its feet and ears.  I built it because I like bunnies and I saw one on my Lego game.  The bunny ears are only made out of 6 Lego bricks!

It took 75 Lego bricks to make and it took about 20 minutes so not that long!

Rabbits live near woodland, and dunes.  They feed on leaves and vegetables. Their main threat is foxes and people because they want them for their dinner. 

Saturday 16 May 2015

Alien bug Queen

I built an alien bug Queen that moves all of its body. 

I built it because I wanted a Lego hero Factory alien bug Queen so I copied the instructions off the Internet.  It didn’t look like it was supposed to but I didn’t mind. 

My Favourite bit is the cocoon on its bottom and its weapon that it carries because it has moveable pincers.
Altogether this model took 68 pieces to make.  It took about 30 minutes to make
It and it was easy.  

Lego Hornet

I built a Lego hornet with moving legs (six of them) mandibles, wings and stinger.  I built it by making the body then attaching the legs to it then building was easy, I just attached clipper bits on it.

I built it because I saw one on Steve Backshall’s Deadly 60, which made me want to build one.

I was watching deadly 60, it was about spiders and insects.  I was watching it for a long time and then I remembered it and then I built it. 30 Hornets can kill 30,000 bees in three hours! They live in Japan The hornet is also called a giant wasp.

It took 72 parts to make it and it took about 10-15 minutes to build it.